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Our trading address is: Proactive Medical & Life, 30 Grosvenor Road, Borehamwood, WD6 1BT


Proactive Medical & Life Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Health Net Services Limited, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. We are entered on the FCA register No 466073


This firm is an 'Appointed Representative' (AR). This means it can carry out certain regulated business on behalf of a 'principal firm'. A principal firm is a firm that is authorised for certain regulated activities in the UK and delegates the whole or part of its business to an AR. An AR can only carry out the regulated business that its principal firm allows it to, and the principal firm is responsible for that business. Appointed Representatives can work on behalf of more than one principal firm.

Health Net Services Limited

FCA register No 312313

County Gates House
300 Poole Road
BH12 1AZB H 1 2 1 A Z


Proactive Medical and Life is an appointed representative of Healthnet Services Ltd who are Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA regulates financial services in the UK and you can check our authorisation and permitted activities on the Financial Services Register by visiting the FCA’s website or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768.

To enable us to provide services to you we need to collect and process your personal data. The information you provide is subject to data protection laws.

In addition to processing personal data about you such as your name, address etc, we also require data which is classed as “sensitive” such as medical information.


Processing includes obtaining, recording or holding information or data, transferring it to other companies associated with us, product providers, the FCA or any other statutory, governmental or regulatory body for legitimate purposes. We will not process any of your sensitive data without your consent.

If at any time you wish us, or any company associated with us to cease processing your sensitive personal data, please contact The Data Protection Officer on 0800 999 8 999 or in writing at HealthNet Services Ltd, Bourne Gate, 25 Bourne Valley Road, Poole, Dorset. BH12 1DY. Please note that we will not be able to provide the services without this information.

You may be assured that we and any company associated with us will treat all personal data and sensitive personal data as confidential and will not process it other than for the purpose for which is was collected. Steps will be taken to ensure that the information is accurate, kept up to date and not kept for longer than is necessary. Measures will also be taken to safeguard against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss or destruction or damage to the data.

Proactive Medical & Life Ltd is an independent health, medical and life insurance Intermediary, as well as being an independent intermediary for income and mortgage protection.

Proactive Medical & Life Ltd is an appointed representative of Healthnet Services Ltd. Address: Suite 8, Bourne Gate, 25 Bourne Valley Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 1DY.

The FCA's Register by visiting the FCA's website or by contacting the FCA on 0845 606 1234      .

We are required to comply with the FCA regulations relevant to a general insurance intermediary. These include the following:

  • A firm must conduct its business with integrity, and pay due regard to the interests of its customers and treat them fairly.

  • A firm must conduct its business with due skill, care and diligence.

  • A firm must pay due regard to the information needs of its clients and communicate information to them in a way which is clear, fair and not misleading.

  • A firm must manage conflicts of interest fairly, both between itself and its customers and between a customer and another client.

  • A firm which holds client money has to meet certain specified conditions.

  • A firm must take reasonable care to establish and maintain such systems and controls as are appropriate to its business.

  • A firm must maintain and keep up to date a list of insurance undertakings it selects from and be able to provide a copy of this list in a durable medium to a customer on request.


Please read this document carefully. It sets out the terms on which we agree to act for our clients and contains details of our regulatory and statutory responsibilities. These terms apply, whether or not signed by the client, to the services provided or to be provided by the Divisions of Proactive Medical & Life Ltd and Proactive Protection Limited.

Variation of these terms will only be effective if given in writing by a Directors of the firms.

As independent insurance intermediaries, we act as the agent of our client. We are subject to the law of agency, which imposes various duties on us. However, in certain circumstances, we may act for and owe duties of care to other parties. We will advise you when these circumstances occur so you will be aware of any possible conflict of interest. We offer products from a range of insurers. We will advise you after we have assessed your needs. This will include the type of cover you seek together with the costs of your premiums. We will advise you of any inability to place your insurance.


Cancellation Clause 
Your insurance contract may include a cancellation clause. A cancellation clause is mandatory for all retail customers. In the event that you fail to pay your premium by the due date, the insurance may be cancelled by insurers, giving notice of the cancellation.


You should notify your insurer as soon as possible of a claim or circumstances that may give rise to a claim. Duty of Disclosure to Insurers You must disclose to insurers, before the contract is concluded, any fact or circumstance, which is known to you (or which ought to be known to you) which may affect the terms of the policy. It is important to disclose any Pre-Existing Medical Conditions, claims history or any other material fact where required or which may affect any decision, on an application form. Non-disclosure may lead to the Insurers declining a claim, or cancelling your policy.


Client Money 
Proactive Medical & Life Ltd does not hold any client money.

Proactive Protection Ltd does not hold any client money

We take all complaints seriously. If you wish to register a complaint then please contact Proactive Medical & Life Ltd, either: In writing to: Complaints: Proactive Medical & Life Ltd, Clarendon Business Centre, 125 Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1AG. By telephone to+44 (0) 208 207 7394 We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days. If we are unable to settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman service at South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR. Telephone0845 600 6666      


Copyright in the whole and every part of this site belongs to Proactive Medical & Life Ltd, unless otherwise indicated, and may not be used, sold, licensed, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or on any media to any person without the prior written consent of Proactive Medical & Life Ltd.


Data Protection 
This has now been updated to fall in line with the new GDPR regulations.


Law and jurisdiction 
These terms of business shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law. In relation to any legal proceedings arising out of or in connection with these terms of business, we both irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.


Money Laundering/proceeds of crime act 
For certain protection products UK money laundering regulations require us to obtain evidence of the identity of clients for whom we act at the start of a business relationship. This might, for example, be evidenced by the sight of a current signed passport and two utility bills/bank statements. For companies, the requirements are different and will be discussed during the application process. We are obliged to report to the Serious Organised Crime Agency any evidence or suspicion of money laundering at the first opportunity and we are prohibited from disclosing any such report.


Policy Documentation 
It is our policy that policy documentation will be issued in a timely manner. This varies from insurer to insurer, but normally within three to six weeks from the submission of your application to the appropriate Insurer when processed by Proactive Medical & Life Ltd. Your policy documentation will confirm the basis of the cover, giving details of the insurer, and be accompanied by a policy schedule and financial statement. The date that the premium(s) are due, together with any penalties, will be clearly shown. You will normally be provided with the renewal terms in a durable medium no less than 21 days before expiry of the policy, or notified that renewal is not being invited. Attached to the renewal terms will be a statement of any changes to the term of the policy, and changes to directive-required information (information required under the EU directives), a statement of price and information about cancellation. You will be given an explanation of any changes, where necessary and in good time, which may appear in your policy and you will be advised of your right to request a new policy statement. If renewal is not being offered you will be notified no less than 21 days before the expiry of the policy. It is our policy to retain documents for business effected on your behalf in electronic or paper format for up to 5 years.


You must provide the premium due in cleared funds in accordance with the amounts and payment dates specified in the insurers financial statement. Failure to meet the payment may lead to insurers cancelling your policy.


Privacy Policy 
We consider your privacy as very important. 
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with GDPR regulations). We will not e-mail you in the future unless you have given us your consent. 


We operate a policy of disclosing to you, on written request, what customer information we have gathered, and how we use it and give you the opportunity to review and correct any information we may hold. 
What we gather and hold about you. We can enhance the service if we learn about what you like and don't like. We use the information you provide during voluntary registration to tailor the services to your interests. E-mail addresses are required in order to register for some features on We will not pass on your email address to any third party without your permission. 


Occasionally, we may send you an e-mail to provide information and keep you up to date with developments from Proactive Medical & Life Ltd. We will also offer you special Email newsletters that contain the latest information and updates relating to financial services. 
Which third parties may see information about you? We will not disclose your name or postal address or any data that could identify you to any third party without first receiving your permission. 
We share information with partners who provide products and services that you request. For instance, if you wish to apply for more information on a particular product we will pass them the relevant information in order for them to fulfill your request. Our partners only see information relating to your specific requirements.


All Proactive Medical & Life Ltd services and Proactive Protection Limited services are remunerated via an insurer's commission. We reserve the right to charge a professional FEE with respect to corporate and group research, the fee will be agreed in writing in advance.

Security We do not guarantee the solvency of any insurer we place business with. A liability for the premium, whether in full or pro rata, may arise under policies where a participating insurer becomes insolvent.  


Proactive Medical & Life Ltd Registration Number: 06483379 is an Appointed Representative of Healthnet Services Limited, which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Healthnet Services Limited entered on the FCA register No 312313 


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